Saturday, September 29, 2012

my learning log

i nature jurnaled  and i went to hapkido and i learned how to do a "Back Fall" and i learned how to do a roll and a round house kick and more. and we did a Les Miserables play. and i tot my brother colors. and also i learned directions. i tot my brother how to count to ten. the end

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

learning log

I went to karate, practesd les mis, I learned abowt pronowns, nowns, agictives, nature walk, wached tumbelingkiki do gymnastics, how to do exersises,  I learned how to eat swerly noodels made out of phone cords. Angelic Reader read me As You Like It, I sorta lernede how to whisil, I cleand and I cleand and I cleand ect. we got a new compeuter I tuhgt my baby brother how to cownt from three to ten, sing the ABC's to C, and say forteen.

Friday, September 7, 2012

First Week of Mytech - Learning Log

I learned about Cleopatra and about Pocahontas.  And how to build bridges. And I also learned about dolphins and math  and about the French Revolution  and about Cats and Dogs and about the Animal Kingdoms I learned about Inuits I learned about Dinosaurs.  I learned about Indians.   And I learned about Albert Einstein and the Theory of Relativity.  I learned about Isaac Newton.  I learned about Ann Frank and her Diary.  Thats all I can Remember.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Intro for My Tech

Hi my name is Hugs I'm 10. I like to play with our goats, and our dogs.  I also like climbing the walls with my siblings, and playing wii, and singing, and acting, and drawing,and playing in the mud. My favorite movies are Hunch Back of Notredame, Peter Pan, and Lord of the Rings. My absolute favorite play is Les Miserables.  Here is a photo of me acting as Gavroche in Les Mis..  

This was Hug's old intro and Photo.

My Names is Hugs. My favorite color is purple. I like Christmas. I like decorating the tree. I like to play in the snow or make snowmans. My favorite food is mashed potatoes. I've got chickens and two ducks and a turkey. But she's the one that gives us the most eggs. So we did not kill her on thanksgiving. And I am.... how old am I? Oh, now I remember, I am six.