Sunday, December 14, 2008

Letter to my e-pal

Hello Eloise,My name is Hugs and my favorite color is purple. We got some pet chickens and some ducks, and a turkey. But we did not eat it on thanksgiving because she was the one that gave us the most eggs. Do you have a pet cat?

I am going to tell you about what I like to do with my sisters and my one brother. I like to play with my sisters on the swing in our back yard, on our swing set. And I like to go to Grandmas with my sisters and my brother. Oh, and guess what, I've got a Wii. Lots of fun stuff.

Now I'm going to tell you about me. I've got blond hair and blue eyes and peach skin, my said I have a cute button nose, but I don't know about that. And I am six years old.

I'm going to tell you about my family. I've got an older sister named Angel and she's nine years old. And I've goTumbelina can climb up the walls. And she also loves to play Wii. And now I am going to tell you about my little brother. He's very (Hugs is turning her finger in circles around her ear, to show that he is crazy) sometimes. Did I say he's sort of cookoo sometimes.

Oh and I forgot to tell you that we have a big mean rooster. And my mom gets beat up by him when she goes to feed the chickens. And we use to have two big roosters. But the other one we killed. Because he was MEAN. But he had a big chubby face, and he pecked us allot. He even attacked our favorite chicken sometimes. And both of our roosters were mean like that. But I am glad that now Big Guy is gone. Soon Papa is going to have to kill Big Boy. But I am glad it is just those two that are going to get killed. And my little brother every time he walks outside, before he does walk outside, He says that hes going to kill the rooster, Then a few minuets he comes in screaming that he got attacked by the rooster.

Oh and guess what, we've got a chicken named Sunshine. Oh and this is the reason that I asked you, did you have a cat. Because then Sunshine wouldn't like that. If your cat comes way over here she's going to get in trouble. Because Sunshine doesn't like cats. She beats up everyone that comes in our back yard. And one night a gray cat came into our back yard and started playing with that same chicken, he thought it was a game, that she was attacking him and he was attacking her back, and once he was going to attack another chicken, when she was behind him and his tail was wagging, and she bit his tail. And then he turned around and started going behind her, and she puffed out big, she was big, she was like a big fur ball. And then that cat got afraid and went out of our back yard, finally. But it was funny to watch. Everybody was giggling and giggling and giggling. Oh and then that same night, a black cat came into our back yard, and then that chicken attacked him from the back. And he started RUNNING and he hid and he was so afraid that after he hid he made sure that that chicken was not watching him and he ran off out of our back yard. And then everybody was laughing again and laughing. And me and Angel stayed up almost all night talking about that.
And we got, and we had, and we use to have some baby ducks but then they flew away because we were chasing them, is why they flew away, and I missed them. (Mama says they flew away because they were wild) And that day Angel and me went everywhere with Tumbelina's Binoculars that you can push this button and pictures of animals will appear, but we weren't doing the pictures of animals parts, we were just looking through them. And we had some more binoculars, but they were Curious's and they did not have that button. And they weren't so kid-like because they did not have all the beautiful colors that one did. And we were looking and looking. Tumbelina was looking in the back to see if they would come back. And we were looking in the front for them, but obviously they did not come. And then we found some of their feathers at some of the neighbors houses, one feather was at one friends houses, and another feather at another friends house, and all over, so I think they are in the neighborhood somewhere. Once when we went to the fair there was this big pond and we think we saw our two ducks there.

Good bye, hope your write soon. Hugs

This is Hugs's Mama, here is a link to photos of her sisters and brothers and pets.
#1 Angel 9 years old
#2 Tubelina 7 years old
#3 Hugs 6 years old
#4 Curious 3 years old
#5 Wild baby ducks we saved when their mother was ran over by a car, they flew away as soon as they could because they were wild.
#6 pet ducks Peek-a-boo and Puff.
#7 our chickens the last one is named Kerry.
#8 our turkey, she was suppose to be thanksgiving dinner, but became our pet instead. She lays more eggs then our chickens, and loves to be pet.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


hi i am hugs i love tumbelina.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Tagged by Wannabe Writer

How many brothers do you have? 1 younger then me.

How many sisters do you have? 2, both older

Can you whistle? No

Do you like "Silly Songs with Larry"? Yes

How often do you where black? No, not allot

Do you like to where black? No

How about pink/purple? Yes OH Yes!

What's your favorite veggie? Broccoli

How often do you loose your hairbrush? uh, uh, uh 20 times a day!

How long is your hair? A little bit below my shoulders.

What type of car will you drive? I would like to drive uh, uh, uh, a box car like my grandma.

What is your favorite Olympic sport? Bobsledding

A cookbook said that anchovies are something you love or hate? What about you? Yes

Rank these in order of your liking: Peanut Butter, Jam, Vegemite, and Honey. Mine are: Honey, Jam, Peanut Butter

How did you start blogging: First Mama said "its blogging time" then I ran to her. And we started typing. I said the words and she typed them. That's all.

What are two countries that your ancestors came from? Greece and Welsh

How many comments did you get 5 entries ago? I only have 4 entries, Bigsister made my first comment.

How many houses have you lived in your life? grandmas house, the condo, the condo again, and this house.

How do you like eggs? Scrambled

If you went back in time, what time would you like to go to? I would like to live with Wendy so I could see Peter Pan.

What 4 bloggers are you tagging? Tumbelina, Angelic, IamCurious and anyone else who wants to do it :)!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Scattagories Tag

I have been tagged by AshleyThis is called scattagories.

Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the questions.

You can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

When you are done,the number of letters in your name will indicate how many people you tag.

Tag that many people and notify them that they are tagged.

What is your name? A****** (Mama wont let me tell my real name)

4 letter word: Ark, as in Noah

Vehicle: electric brains - "here comes a robot with electric brains" They might be Giants, No

City: American Fork (small town in Utah)

Boys name: Adam

Girls name: Allie

Movie: Animal Planet

Occupation: accountant

Something you wear: apparal

Celebrity: annie

Food: apple

Something found in a kitchen: apes attacking in the kitchen :D

Something found in a bathroom: apes attacking in the kitchen :D

Reason for being late: Attacking your cereal

Cartoon character: Abby (Chicken Little, Ugly Duckling)

Something you shout: ASLAN!

Animal: ant

Body part: arm

Word to describe you: angel

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Its blogging time... Mama's orders.

Hugs: Can I sit on your lap?

Papa: Sure, just let me get you logged in. *pause for getting on lap and logging in* Go ahead and type what ever you want.

Hugs: Can you type what I say?

Papa: Yes, but you will have to get down for that because that takes two hands.
*gets down*

Papa: What do you want to say?

Hugs: I have to talk about Jacob. Jacob let me look at a locket. ... I have to think what happened next. oh so we started to play.


Papa: who is Jacob?

Hugs: He is one of my boys that I have a crush on. *fidgets*

Papa: *scoffs* Tell us more about Jacob

Hugs: One time when his baby sister hit me with a plastic light saber in the eye *papa chuckles* he helped me get to my Mama.


Papa: Then what?

Hugs: Then he had to go.

Papa: Where did he go?

Hugs: To his house that wasn't too far from the park, but it was far from our house.

Papa: You were in the park when you got hit in the eye?

Hugs: Yeah it was at the park, that is where he showed me the locket ... That is the only place we ever saw each other.

Papa: Do you want to say more?

Hugs: Nope thats all... Good bye!!!

Papa: *laughs*

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

You looked out my window!

You looked out the window and what did you see?
All the Pretty little flowers.

You looked out the window again, and you saw
Three little birdy eggs in a tree.
And a Mama bird flying round and round.

You looked out your window again, and you saw
Pretty little snow falling on everything.

And the last time you looked out my window
You saw me.

By Hugs