Friday, January 18, 2013

#16 Learning Log

we wet to Hopkido and play Math Games with papa and play math Dominoes and play Farkel Math and Papa red Sherlock Holmes

#15 Learning Log

we finuhcd lif uf fred and had cake .Papa mad a fir and then Papa red Sherlock Holmes wall we rost hot dog and morshmelo .we did Flash cards and red Scripture and did Spelling.

Geography - Country flags of north America Flas cards.  Names of the States.
Science - Dinosaurs names flash cards.  Solar system flash cards
Music - Names of Stringed instruments. Names of Brass instruments.
Math - Reading Time on the Clock for 30, 10 and 5 mins.  Finished our Lif of Fred math book held a math party.  
Phonics - review of phonograms 
Literature - Read Sherlock Holmes, Scripture Reading
English - Spelling practice
P.E.- Hopkido